The fascial system is a vast network of webbing that connects the entire body and needs to be pliable and hydrated for healthy movement. When injury stress or trauma occurs, the fascia hardens and blocks oxygen and nutrient flow to the injured site which can cause restrictions and misalignment in the body.

This 5 course series will be a therapeutic style of yoga that will aid in stress and pain management using myofascial balls and coupled with breathwork and yoga poses to engage the fascia surrounding the muscles and tissues. No yoga experience necessary and modifications will be given for all body types. A great option for runners, weight-lifters, and those with a vinyasa style practice to add variety and mobility to shortened muscle groups.

This workshop will help with:

*Relief for - flat feet, extreme arches, plantar fasciitis

*Ease muscle cramping in the calves and relieve shin splints

*Loosen hamstrings, quadriceps, IT bands, and inner thighs relieving low back pain

*Release tension in the gluteals and piriformis helping with sciatica

*Massage the low back, erectors, mid and upper back to release tension

*Massage abdominal organs, hip flexors, and obliques to decrease digestive issues, open up the psoas, ribs, and lungs for deeper breath

*Decrease pain in the hands, wrist, and elbows relieving carpal tunnel and golf/tennis elbow

*Ease muscle tension in the neck, shoulders, and chest

*Massage the jaw to help with TMJ disorder or tension headaches

Hi, I’m Sarah Cummins founder of Waterfall Yoga Therapy and your yoga therapist for this Self Massage Yoga Series.

Sarah is a certified yoga therapist, Pain Care yoga instructor and ACE Certified Personal Trainer, specializing in empowering clients to self-manage their pain. Sarah understands our body's connective tissue is greatly affected by trauma, stress, injury, posture, and disease which increases pain, tightness, and inflammation in our bodies. Sarah believes working with fascia is an integral component of yoga therapy and both pain and stress reduction.

Investment in Health